Thursday, October 15, 2009

Second Life Field Trip

I've always been a fan of hearing stories. Whether they are made up, folklore, or true, they are very entertaining. There are so many different ways to tell a story. People can share their stories and experiences in any way they choose, which makes story telling expressive and much like an art form. My love for stories made me want to attend the story telling of "The Lifeboat Mutiny" by Shandon Loring. This particular story sounds especially interesting because in the description it describes a "lifeboat that runs amok". This indicates to me that there will be humor in the story. Who doesn't love a funny story? I hope not only to be entertained, but also to learn from this event how stories can be told in a Second Life atmosphere. Is it possible to still engage with the audience when the storyteller is only virtually present? I think its possible but it seems it could be more of a challenge. The audience would not feel rude getting up and walking away from their computers when they might have stayed because they felt obligated at a real life story telling event.

In addition to learning about and experiencing the actual event, I'm interested in observing others that also are attending. I love to "people watch" and haven't been able to do that yet on Second Life. Having more people go to this event would enhance the experience so I'm hoping there will be others there. I'm excited to see if once the storytelling is over if discussion occurs between the avatars on whether they enjoyed the performance or not.

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